Monday 9 February 2015

Ask Your Pendulum - Which one?

Hello! Last time we spoke about Safety and steps that you have to take to have a good experience!
This time were going to discuss, which pendulum is the one for me?
Personally I have more then one pendulum, however it doesn't mean I use them all. I have my main one which I use regularly for questions. I have another I use for healing energy as its more of a focus point as I channel. One specific pendulum that I only use for Self healing and finally one pendulum that I use to cleanse other pendulums and crystals. As for the others... I'm sure ill get to them when the time is right.
My point is, You don't need  so many!

Its what is best for you! This is what works best for me, and you are more then welcome to do the same. I have a friend who has an individual one for most things as she believes in the properties of the crystal, which I believe is also important. However, if your not comfortable using it then its not the right one for you. Don't force it, just let it call to you! Believe me it will happen.

Which pendulum, is the right one for you?

Every one is different, some people work better with specific pendulums while others feel very versatile. Its all down to the individual. Personally I have more then one pendulum. (My curiosity got the better of me and I actually got quite a few.) Although I do have my main pendulums.

The picture to your right was my first pendulum, it was purchased online. ( Careful where you get it from as it could reach to your broken or not what you ordered. In Crystal Age  you can find good quality and reliable Pendulums/Crystals. I have personally purchased crystals from there. :) ) Although if you can get it locally all the better as you can find the one that your drawn to more.  Its all up to you.

 As you can see in the picture pendulums do not have a specific shape, although if its arrow dynamic it helps with the movement. Although look at all the pretty colours! :)
 Most people believe that each crystal can be used for different things, while others prefer using one specifically for everything. Nothing is wrong, you do what suits you best. ( Personally I believe in both, I have all these crystals but my main pendulum is the Smokey quarts.)

  To the left is the pendulum charka set most people use it for healing as it is the ideal set as it targets all chakras. (  What are Charkras? <- - click the link to find out!)

If you don't or can not obtain a pendulum, Don't worry! See  the picture to the left? That was a gift, its actually a necklace, although I was drawn to use it as a pendulum! Go figure? and guess what? it works really well :)
So don't be coned that it HAS to be a pendulum, as long as it has the general shape, and it calls to you, Why not!

I hope this has helped! and please if there is anything else you want to add or want to share your own pendulums and experiences then feel free to share! we are all here to share and enjoy ourselves! :)

Namaste _/*\_

Ask Your Pendulum - Safety First!


I know what your thinking, ANOTHER 'same' - Old pendulum gimmick. Although instead of TELLING you specifically how you HAVE to use your pendulum, we are going to work together to find out what is the best way you can get all the good benefits from using a pendulum!

So, shall we get started?

First of all, what do we really know about pendulums? Originally dowsing was known for its ability to locate water, gold, oil and other materials, but it has also been used in many instances involving issues of life and death. - There's a bit of history for you!

That was Then and this is Now, so what do we use dowsing for today?
The most common thing pendulums are used for in todays world, is conformation. I know what comes after this, the ever popular... What????

This is where the title comes in, Ask Your Pendulum.

Safety is always first, after all we are trying to reach into our higher self's to be able to get the best and safest answer for ourselves. However! There could always be situations where Lower level spirits try to slip in and mess with you!
So Please follow these steps to ensure a pleasurable safe experience.

1. Establish your 'Yes' 'No' 'Maybe'. This is very important for your higher self to come through. ( My pendulums tend to swing Clockwise for 'Yes' Anti-clockwise for 'No' and back-forth for Maybe/Standby.) Although this can always change depending on the person, (E.g. Swinging back-forth for 'Yes' left-right for 'No', 2'Oclock to 8'Oclock for maybe and staying still for Standby.)

2. The Power Of Three.  - Always when establishing 'Who' is behind the crystal ask your questions Three times. As lower level spirits tend to ' have fun' and trick you by lying. So ask simple questions. (E.g. "Lie to me, is my name Darth Vader" - at this point the pendulum Should be spinning to a Yes for a lie, ( unless you are actually called Darth Vader - In That case, May the force be with you!) Anyway, on the third/fourth try the pendulum should be spinning to a No, as 'they' can not lie after the third time.

3. So now that you know the rule of three, time to go deeper! So, you have established your yes/no/maybe. Time to connect to your higher self, you ask them to come near and ask them to speak through you, with the pendulum. You Ask if they are your Higher self Three times. If it all comes to a positive and it is in-fact your higher self, then please! Continue to ask more questions. However, If on the third go of asking, it spins to No, then thank the spirit for communicating with you and close off. Remember we are working with Love and Light, low level spirits have yet to find their light and will only manipulate you for Their benefit.

Hope this has helped a bit and please if I have left anything out, feel free to share! After all we are all hear to learn, love and be happy! :) Namaste _/*\_